Le Bon Genre – Parisian Social Life in the Early 1800s

I often run across references to Le Bon Genre as I research potential blog posts. Well, I’ve finally found the obscure book or, more accurately, a series of prints illustrating Parisian social life in the early 1800s. I’ve posted about twenty images from the many in the document. If you are a Jane Austen or Bridgerton enthusiast, I highly recommend that you view the entire collection, which is now public domain and online, thanks to the wonderful Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

17 Replies to “Le Bon Genre – Parisian Social Life in the Early 1800s”

  1. @Catherine Scott – I especially like the image of the lady going to paint and her old, weary servant having to carry the chair and ladder. Didn’t this country just have a revolution…

  2. Thank you very much for presenting us the beautiful and humourus engravings of Le bon genre! I possess No 29 & 30 Le Lever des Grisettes & Le coucher des Grisettes. In light pastel tints. Tipycally Empire-style. And I think- al later impression of Les Titus et les Cache-folie in crazy colours!
    Rob de Bree

  3. @Rob — How lucky you are! I think these images are just gorgeous. I did wonder about the time frame. These were printed in 1827 ish (?) but the styles look much older. I love the vivid red in the images.

  4. How do I get more information on these. I have no.18 and would like to know the worth.

  5. We have 4 of these prints that have been in the family for quite a while. They are actual prints that do not seem to have been taken from a book. Is there any way to tell when they were printed?

  6. I have prints no.5, 84 and 85 in frames from the 1920’s. Also would like to know what they might be worth.

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