Pretty Dresses and Hats for a Sunday – Les Modes 1907

From Les Modes 1907 — Bibliothèque Nationale de France

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4 Replies to “Pretty Dresses and Hats for a Sunday – Les Modes 1907”

  1. The little girls look overwhelmed by their clothes.
    Such yardage of cloth!!! ( in all the dresses).
    They do look pretty, though. I like the one with dog and parasol.

  2. I love this! Very beautifull!!!! My grandmothers are from 1890 and from 1904, and my youngest grandmother worked from 1916 until her marriage in a attellier, she was coupeuse Greetingz from The Netherlands, Anne

  3. Thank you. I love looking at old clothes. Those years were so elegant. How fascinating that your grandmother worked in an attellier? *Sigh* I love the Netherlands.

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